Top cybersecurity trends of 2024 with complementary Gartner report download: Security Behavior and Culture Programs (SBCP)

The Top Trends in Cybersecurity for 2024 contains insights from Gartner that help security awareness leaders plan for success by learning about the emerging Security Behavior and Culture Program category's necessary evolution of traditional SAT capabilities.

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Security Behavior and Culture Programs are one of the top cybersecurity trends in 2024, according to Gartner  

As the cybersecurity industry moves into the new year, it’s a great time to review what will drive the discussion and developments in 2024. Gartner has released their Top Trends for Cybersecurity in 2024 report, which gives an excellent primer for the upcoming year. 

Trend: Security Behavior and Culture Programs (SBCPs) 

The Gartner report named Security Behavior and Culture Programs (SBCPs) one of the top trends in optimizing cybersecurity programs. 

The report states:

[.c-quote-box][.c-quote-wrapper][.c-quote-icon][.c-quote-icon][.c-quote-right-col][.c-quote-text-wrapper][.c-quote-text]Security behavior and culture programs (SBCPs) encapsulate an enterprise wide approach to minimizing cybersecurity incidents associated with employee behavior, whether inadvertent or deliberate.[.c-quote-text][.c-quote-text-wrapper][.c-quote-name-wrapper][.c-quote-name]Gartner Report: Top Trends in Cybersecurity 2024[.c-quote-name][.c-quote-name-wrapper][.c-quote-right-col][.c-quote-wrapper][.c-quote-box]

The primary goal of this kind of program is to change behavior. The program incorporates behavior change theory and practices into traditional practices like security awareness training and phishing simulations. 

[.c-quote-box][.c-quote-wrapper][.c-quote-icon][.c-quote-icon][.c-quote-right-col][.c-quote-text-wrapper][.c-quote-text]An SBCP’s primary objective is to change behavior. It encompasses traditional practices, such as awareness training and phishing simulation, and a spectrum of behavior-influencing disciplines.[.c-quote-text][.c-quote-text-wrapper][.c-quote-name-wrapper][.c-quote-name]Gartner Report: Top Trends in Cybersecurity 2024[.c-quote-name][.c-quote-name-wrapper][.c-quote-right-col][.c-quote-wrapper][.c-quote-box]

Hoxhunt as the Engine for Security Behavior and Culture Programs 

Changing behavior, especially across a global organization, is challenging. Hoxhunt was recognized as a Customers' Choice in the 2023 Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training. But we were designed to go beyond the traditional SAT capabilities. That’s why we’ve built a platform that not only provides the traditional tools for security awareness but also incorporates elements of behavior change.  

For our customers, that translates to high engagement with training, a company culture where employees enjoy cybersecurity content, and measurably changed behavior that translates to less cyber-risk and more threats mitigated. 

Leading technology consulting company, Avanade achieved measurable behavior change and cultural transformation with the Hoxhunt Human Risk Management platform; all while reducing risk and saving resources. Check out their results in this 2-minute video:

The Hoxhunt Human Risk Management Platform’s highlights include: 

But the platform also goes beyond that with solutions that enable behavior change: automated nudges based on risky behavior, dashboards and reports to identify the riskiest user segments, and training curriculums that are personalized and individually adjusted for each user. 

You might even win a prestigious CSO50 award by building your security behavior and culture program with Hoxhunt! 

Actions for security and risk management leaders 

When building a security behavior and culture program, the Gartner report lists the following actions for security and risk management leaders: 

  • Focus SBCP efforts on the riskiest employee behaviors by regularly reviewing a defensible sample of past cybersecurity incidents to determine the volume and type of cybersecurity incidents associated with unsecure employee behavior. 
  • Guide effective and efficient implementation of your SBCP by adopting the Gartner PIPE Framework using a scalable approach appropriate to the funding and resources available. 
  • Foster higher levels of sustained and visible executive support by using outcome-driven, behavior-centered metrics to help demonstrate the business value of the SBCP to executive stakeholders and the board of directors. 

Hoxhunt was built to help enterprises gain visibility into their cyber-risk, take action to reduce that risk through behavior change, and measure their actual risk reduction.  As a practical example of what you can do with the Hoxhunt platform to execute those actions, you can: 

Infographic showing after one year of using Hoxhunt, 60% of users successfully report real and simulated threats. The fastest 5% report real threats in 60 seconds
After one year of using Hoxhunt, 60% of users successfully report real and simulated threats. The fastest 5% report real threats in 60 seconds.

Fill in the form below to access a complimentary copy of the Gartner Top Trends for Cybersecurity in 2024 report.

Gartner, Top Trends in Cybersecurity for 2024, Richard Addiscott, Jeremy D'Hoinne, and 7 more, 2 January 2024

Gartner, Voice of the Customer for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training, 29 December 2023

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