Security Awareness Impact Calculator

SEE how effective Your security awareness training can be

What impact is your security awareness training program having? What could it have with a new-and-improved approach that automates more frequent, personal, and realistic training? Companies choose our human risk management platform's adaptive phishing training because it delivers a different level of reach and results, whereas the results from traditional SAT tools have stagnated.

Old-school SAT programs are limited by:
● Low engagement: Since people have to “fail into training” you reach only a small percent of users, whose experience with cybersecurity is thus always negative.
● Misleading metrics: One-size-fits-all simulations are either too hard or too easy for most users; with low engagement rates on poor content, failure rate in isolation is a meaningless metric.
● Infrequent delivery: Because simulations are time-consuming to create and deploy, employees don’t get enough practice to build resilience.

Traditional SAT impact

Hoxhunt automates user engagement with a gamified, positive experience that rewards users for reporting attacks. Training becomes:
Highly engaging: You’ll provide positive reinforcement and an individualized experience that adapts to users’ skill levels.
Accurate: You’ll report on true risk with personalized simulations based on timely, real-world threats.
● Continuous: You’ll drive resilience with automated, frequent simulations that don’t burden your IT team.

Hoxhunt training

This exponential increase in micro-trainings yields a 10X increase in the reporting of both simulated and real phishing attacks. Increasing the reporting rates of real threats means you’ll reduce human risk and stay on the cutting edge of a constantly-evolving threat landscape.

Discover how many more training moments you'll be able to facilitate with Hoxhunt compared to traditional based training.