Why the most secure companies choose Hoxhunt

Hoxhunt fully automates enterprise-grade security awareness & phishing training at scale, and drastically reduces human risk by serving employees personalized learning paths they love, to (measurably) change behavior.

Abstract visualization of the human network fending on threats

Traditional security training falls short

With legacy vendors

Invest substantial time to run just a few phishing campaigns per year, each with an endless list of manual tasks

Phishing campaigns are one-size-fits-all so they don’t fit employees' unique learning needs or correlate with real-world attacks

Struggle to get employees to participate in training because they’re dull and punitive in nature, resulting in a weak security culture

Training results rarely correlate with reality, making it hard to deliver data-driven results and communicate value to management

With Hoxhunt

Fully automate phishing training creation and delivery, saving time and unlocking high-frequency campaigns for continuous practice

Personalize training for every employee based on role, location, skill level, and more to better prepare employees for actual attacks

Dramatically increase engagement with gamified training moments that reward participation and build a strong security culture

Automatically measure employee training performance and real-world behaviors to showcase results that correlate with reality

With Hoxhunt

Fully automate phishing training creation and delivery, which saves time and unlocks high-frequency campaigns for continuous practice.

Personalize training for every employee based on role, location, skill level, and more to better prepare employees for actual attacks.

Dramatically increase engagement with gamified training moments that reward participation and build strong security culture.

Automatically measure employee training performance and real-world behaviors to showcase results that correlate with reality.

With legacy vendors

Invest substantial time to run just a few phishing campaigns per year, each with an endless list of manual tasks.

Phishing campaigns are one-size-fits-all so they don’t fit employees' unique learning needs or correlate with real-world attacks.

Struggle to get employees to participate in training because they’re dull and punitive in nature, resulting in a weak security culture.

Training results rarely correlate with reality, making it hard to deliver data-driven results and communicate value to management.

Reduce your biggest risk by 600%

Focusing on reducing your biggest risk, human-based cyber attacks, presents the biggest opportunity for overall risk reduction. Training effectiveness is paramount, which is why Hoxhunt utilizes behavioral science and AI to maximize participation for continuous learning.

Increase participation and build a strong security culture

Bite-sized, personalized training moments that employees love improve learning and increase reporting rates to 72% on average. Suspicious emails are easy to report, and employees get instant, helpful feedback generated by AI.

Positive training that incentivizes participation with a badge system and an internal company leaderboard motivates employees to continuously participate and drives lasting behaviors.

See how AES engages 5x more employees with Hoxhunt than legacy SAT tools →

An image of a man reporting an email with the Hohxunt button and getting rewarded with stars

Uncover and eliminate real phishing attacks

A realistic, up-to-date training library based on the latest social engineering tactics influences real behaviors so much that 60% of employees report at least 1 real attack within the first year of training.

The fastest employees report real attacks in under 60 seconds, so security teams can quickly remove malicious emails from other employee inboxes before risk spreads.

See how Wateraid removes phishing attacks from employee inboxes in minutes →

An image of a woman interacting with the Hoxhunt response product

Automate training busywork so you can focus on what matters

Hoxhunt automates training creation and delivery and tracks progress and performance in real time, significantly saving resources and enhancing efficiency.

Comprehensive analytics provide an overview of your organization’s human risk against industry benchmarks. You can drill down by country, department, and more to understand trends impacting overall performance.

See how Avanade saves over 900 hours of SOC analysis per month →

An image of a man looking at the behavior signals of the employees

Security training employees actually enjoy

Employees need to participate for security awareness & phishing training to have real impact, and Hoxhunt creates a training experience that employees love. Just read more than 3,000 5-star reviews across peer review sites.

Five stars

The random emails you receive are targeted at the right frequency to not overwhelm you, with a good mix of different types of tricks to keep you on your toes. The gamification side of it is absolutely spot on, and encourages you to keep on top of reporting. It is regularly a talking point within our team.

Joe J
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

Brilliant training, suitable for bringing all experience levels up to a consistently high standard. It's easy to use and dosen't take up too much of your time, but still helps you gain knowledge on cyber security.

Cara H
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

It makes a crucial alert system become fun! It's like a fun win everytime I catch a Hoxhunt email.

Emmy E
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

As a competitive person, I enjoy moving up the ranks in the dashboard as I correctly identify and report potential threats that are sent to my Inbox. I like how the content is related to my position and employer so it's not always obvious and makes it a reasonable challenge whilst learning.

Catherine G
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

The user interface is fun and easy to navigate, being able to obtain points and scores and review your progress against colleagues is also beneficial and helps create healthly competition. It also integrates well with our systems.

Chloe B
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

It's a seamless experience right where the phishing takes place. I don't feel interrupted but rather look forward to the really short little tests.

Nikolas G
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

It's an incredibly cool concept. In fact, I eagerly anticipate the next time I receive a new email and carefully scan my inbox to ensure I don't overlook anything.

Alexander D
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

Hoxhunt not only increases employee engagement but also ensures that cybersecurity knowledge is effectively retained, ultimately transforming organizational culture towards proactive threat detection and mitigation.

Yit Kean K
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

It is a very fun and interactive way to learn about phishing. The competitions are a fun way of competing with your colleagues and staying safe at the same time.

Shohan M
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
Five stars

"An awesome gamified system to boost security awareness."

Lucas M
Enterprise user (>1,000 emp.)
G2 Grid showing Hoxhunt in the lead

Hear why customers rate Hoxhunt as the category leader

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Empowering enterprise success

G2 Best Meets Requirements Badge

Enterprise-grade security

Hoxhunt takes security very seriously. In addition to compliance with industry-leading privacy and security standards like GDPR, CCPA, SOC 2 Type II, and SOC 3, Hoxhunt assumes responsibility for the security and privacy of user data. A dedicated Compliance and Security staff is ready to assist with the complexities of global data regulations, management, and oversight.

Learn more about our security

Built to support global workforces

With millions of users across 129+ countries and support for 30+ languages, Hoxhunt meets the global demands of any client.

G2 Best Results - Enterprise badge

Advanced customization

Deliver learning experiences that uniquely fit your company goals, policies, and guidelines at scale across your workforce. Up-to-date content crafted by experts is readily available, and organizations can customize the experience further by using our AI content generator.

G2 Best Usability Badge

Dedicated, top-rated support

Hoxhunt’s dedicated Customer Success team will help you get the most out of your security awareness & phishing training program, from quick implementation to strategic optimization.

G2 Best Relationship Badge

Frequently asked questions

What sets Hoxhunt apart from traditional security awareness training and phishing training software vendors?

We go beyond awareness and knowledge by driving training paths to each employee. With this unique personalized approach, we deliver up to 40 times higher engagement rates than anyone else in the industry. High program engagement means high business impact. Unlike traditional vendors, we show business impact beyond simulation performance by measuring your employees' real-world risk-reducing behavior, like reporting real phishing emails.

What are the main differences between Hoxhunt’s phishing training and phishing training in KnowBe4, Proofpoint and Cofense?

KnowBe4, Proofpoint and Cofense require security managers to invest substantial time and effort into maintaining and running a phishing training program. Campaign creation and setup is a manual task, making it difficult to personalize training at scale to fit employees' learning needs. Results of these traditional security programs rarely correlate with reality, making it hard to deliver data-driven results and communicate program value to management. Our platform, on the other hand, fully automates phishing training creation and delivery, including optimization and personalization using AI. Hoxhunt automatically measures the real-world behaviors of the employees, which means Security Managers can finally lead with trustworthy data and communicate results that correlate with reality.

How can Hoxhunt help me with real phishing attacks that land in my employees' inboxes?

Hoxhunt can analyze and instantly train employees on real emails outside of the training. When an employee report suspicious emails that are not part of phishing training, Hoxhunt Instant Feedback analyzes and classifies the email in real-time, an gives an assessment of the message with guidance if it’s safe to interact with the message. Employees don’t need to wait for a security ticket to be resolved before continuing with their work. This helps avoid situations where employees feel like they need to choose between security and doing their work.

Why do people choose Hoxhunt?

Security leaders choose Hoxhunt because we deliver a high-impact service that their employees love and business leadership can understand. It’s a set it and forget it security program that everyone loves: When our customers look to increase training engagement and reduce their workload, they lean on our automated and people-first approach to security training. Easily create measurable impact for the business and its security: When our customers need to understand the security and business impact of their investment, they look to the metrics and repeatable outcomes our service deliver.

Upgrade your security training with Hoxhunt